OPWDD Choices Login
This system, its applications and data belong to the State of New York. Access and use is limited to authorized users for authorized purposes. Actual or attempted unauthorized use is not permitted and may be a crime subjecting you to disciplinary, criminal, civil, and/or administrative action. You are responsible for any activity attributed to you or your user-ID upon entering this system, and are expected to: 1) Comply with all relevant federal, state, and agency policies, laws, rules, and regulations, 2) Access only systems and information to which you have been authorized for authorized purposes, 3) Not attach or install unauthorized software or hardware to this network or a workstation connected to it, 4) Report any abuse or misuse of this system to the ITS Customer Care Center (1-844-891-1786) and if applicable your supervisor and agency Information Security Officer and cooperate fully in any investigation.
Users have no legitimate expectation of privacy while using this system or any data in it. Any use may be monitored and all information may be accessed, read, copied, used or disclosed by and to authorized personnel for official purposes without additional prior notice to users. This notice shall not be deemed to waive the rights of any person who may be the subject of data in this system. Proceeding with system logon means that you have read and accept the above terms and conditions.